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Why it’s Pointless to Argue about 

Politics or Religion 
And Why You Should Look to the Clouds for Answers 

Version 2, November 2014 
By Michael Greer 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." 
- from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act IT, scene ii 

Everyone’s heard this bit of advice: “Don’t talk politics or religion with family and 
friends. It only causes arguments and hard feelings.” What’s more, most of us know that 
these topics should absolutely be avoided in business settings. After all, project teams 
have enough trouble meeting deadlines and keeping the peace among stakeholders. Why 
borrow trouble by getting into arguments about politics or religion? Still... When long 
hours keep your team together late at night and everyone begins to grow tired and 
grumpy or when you’re relaxing together after hours at the coffee shop or tavern, it can 
happen. Someone let’s slip a little political rant, a philosophical criticism, or a bit of 
religious dogma and wham! You’re embroiled in one of these impossible-to-win battles. 

Now, I’ma writer and a trainer. I like explaining things. And, unfortunately for my 
family and friends, I sometimes slip into my own passionate rants and extended speeches 
in support of my political or quasi-religious perspectives — “explaining” the seemingly 
unexplainable. Not surprisingly, this kind of behavior often produces a strong response 
from my listener, who soon begins his or her own passionate rant. These interchanges 
usually end as they do for anyone who indulges in such speechifying: In a total stalemate 
with my philosophical opponent or, worse, in silent frustration for each of us. 

Later, after what could have been a pleasant conversation is long over, I find myself 
regretting the whole nasty interchange and wondering what happened. How could I, who 
can be so supportive and tolerant in the classroom or with my clients, manage to get into 
such ego-driven, horn-locking, polarizing disputes over these topics? After wrestling with 
this question for some time, I think I’ve finally figured out how these over-heated 
disputes happen. And I’ve also figured out why such disagreements are almost 
impossible to resolve. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 
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It’s All Personal... Really Personal! 

The cloud above shows a bunch of potentially powerful, life-changing events, 
experiences, or relationships that might float around in your consciousness. (Sure, you 
could add lots more items, but for the sake of this article, let’s just pretend that those 
shown here are comprehensive.) 

As we wander through life, we find ourselves idiosyncratically choosing all sorts of 
experiences based on the advice of parents, teachers, or friends. And sometimes it’s not a 
matter of choice at all, but mere circumstance. The world simply takes us places we never 
planned to go and delivers its lessons to us whether we seek them out or not. 

Consider the two sample clouds below. They tell the story of Mr. Green and Ms. Red. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 
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An Example: Mr. Green’s Story 

The cloud on the left (previous page) shows Mr. Green’s most significant life-changing 
experiences. Each is circled in green and together they tell the unique tale of his 
evolution. As a child, he read a powerful work of fiction whose protagonist completely 
captured his imagination. This character and his values became a filter through which Mr. 
Green viewed the world the rest of his life. Later, as a teen, he suffered through a bad 
relationship with his father, who drank heavily and often delivered verbal brow-beatings 
that left him emotionally scarred. This led Mr. Green to become severely intolerant of 
anyone who uses alcohol, no matter how responsibly they do so. In his early twenties, he 
travelled extensively throughout the South Pacific where exposure to the philosophies of 
several island cultures changed his views about the way a good society should operate. 
Early in his adult life he married his high-school sweetheart, only to find that over the 
years, as they matured, they grew apart and he ultimately endured a painful divorce. This 
left him questioning the role of marriage in society, as well as unable to trust that anyone 
could ever truly love or be loved. 

Bullied in his middle-school years, he developed a “strike first” attitude about dealing 
with anybody who might show the least signs of aggression. And in college, after 
acquiring the mentorship of a college instructor whom he believed to be a truly brilliant 
leader in his field, he was deeply disappointed to learn that this person was a mere 
academic poser, focused on winning any political games necessary to obtain tenure and a 
life-long position at the university. 

Another Example: Ms. Red’s Story 

In contrast, Ms. Red’s cloud shows a life shaped by different, but equally powerful, 
experiences. Her early success as a winner of an elementary school science competition 
led her to a career in astrophysics, which molded both her religious perspectives and her 
attitude about the role of government in supporting the sciences and supporting 
humanity’s quest to understand the cosmos. The death of her father, whom she loved 
dearly, strengthened her resolve to become politically active to help bring about his 
dream of a stronger science program in the public schools. Support from a charismatic 
and well-travelled mentor (whom she met in a comparative world culture class in college) 
helped her to make many connections within the international astrophysics community. 
This led to her aggressively acting as a champion of world-wide cooperation among 
scientists, sometimes placing her in opposition to national government leaders. 

Discovering the power of meditation on one of her trips abroad, she now meditates 
regularly to help deal with stress and maintain her focus. Overall, she draws courage and 
energy from the many positive experiences that have shaped her as she pushes the 
boundaries of international scientific cooperation. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 
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Completely Different World Views 

When their lives began, both Mr. Green and Ms. Red had a nearly infinite range of 
potential experiences available to them. Yet, through their idiosyncratic, unique 
experiences, life led them to completely different perspectives on political and religious 
matters. Each has developed a world view based on hard-fought struggles to derive 
meaning from powerful, sometimes painful, sometimes joyful, events they’ ve lived 
through. And these world views, precisely because they were so hard-fought, are 
something they feel they have earned and will continue to cling to as they refine 
their unique religious and political frameworks. 

So when you tangle with either of them while arguing a particular religious or 
political point, you are essentially tangling with all that history, all that pain, all 
those joys, and all those hard-fought struggles to find meaning. 

Is it any wonder that in the midst of such arguments, when you find yourself blasted by a 
passionate roar from your opponent, you sometimes feel surprised and shocked? And you 
end up asking yourself: “Whoa! Where did that come from?” 

The truth is, it’s almost impossible for you to know fully “where it came from,” since the 
passionate roar that you provoked has roots that go deep into this person’s personal (and 
largely idiosyncratic) history. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 
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Evolution of Personal Political & Religious Views: The Happy Face 

So what might we generalize from the examples of Mr. Green and Ms. Red? The slightly 
whimsical graphic below summarizes what might be a reasonable model for the evolution 
of our religious and political beliefs. 

Unique Miseries & Joys 


“Born Again" Passion 

& Need to Rant! 

In a nutshell, the unique miseries and joys we experience are powerful emotional events 
that take their toll and demand to be resolved. As these powerful emotional events pile 
up, we eventually develop an enormous need to become introspective as we try to figure 
out what they all mean. Sometimes this introspection prompts us to do relevant research. 
Often, however, the topics we are drawn to investigate usually resonate to the same 
emotional frequencies as the events that prompted our introspection. In other words, the 
topics of study that we seek out typically help us validate our experiences and help us 
decode the meaning in ways that seem consistent with our unique “cloud” of experiences. 

Ultimately, we develop a distinctive personal vision of the way the world works. And 
given enough time to fall in love with it, we might even develop our own “born again” 
passion for this vision and set forth to preach our newly discovered gospel to anyone 
who’ll listen. We don’t necessarily mean any harm or disrespect with such preaching... 
we just want to share that amazing, empowering feeling that washed over us when we 
finally “figured it all out!” 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 

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Evolution of Personal Religious & Political Views: The Waterfall Version 

Now if you are a student of project management or if you dislike happy faces, you might 
find the diagram below to be more palatable than the previous -- especially since it looks 
more “serious,” and resembles the structures often used to depict project life cycles. 

We experience powerful emotional 
events (culturally-specific, unique, 
idiosyncratic, and random). 

We struggle mightily to find meaning in 
these events, causing themes to emerge. 

We experience new events that provide 

evidence to support our themes. 

Our themes broaden and become more 
powerful, helping us “find” even more 
evidence to support them. 

Our themes coalesce into unshakable 
world views. We aggressively advocate for 
them, arguing & becoming more invested. 

The boxes speak for themselves. However, there is this fairly daunting fact to 
consider: In each domain of thought, politics or religion, there is a nearly infinite 
collection of bits of evidence that can be found to support... and firmly cement in 
place... almost any chosen theme! 

In other words, if you wish to cobble together a collection of “facts” to support a 
particular religious view or political philosophy we have plenty of sources to draw 
upon, including: 

Thousands of years of recorded human history 

Thousands of human cultures with differing perspectives 

Thousands of authors and sacred texts, past and present 

An internet that helps us find reference sources for all of the above 

A daily stream of current events and editorial opinions served up by the internet 
and traditional media sources 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 
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The internet is particularly problematic because it allows easy collaboration among 
people who would otherwise be separated by extreme geographical and cultural 
distances, as well as extreme political and religious views. To put it a bit starkly, the ‘net 
allows a handful of far-flung crazies who would otherwise have no real voice to assemble 
themselves in online communities that provide each other with substantial comfort and 
reinforcement for their ideas, no matter how odd they may seem to the rest of us! 

My point: No matter what political or religious viewpoint you select in order to 

breathe meaning into your life’s unique miseries and joys, if you take the time to 
search, you will be able to find ample evidence to support it. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics or Religion 

Now here’s the problem: Most of the time our hard-won vision of how the world works 
remains quietly concealed in our hearts. Yet it’s always there, just below the surface, 
waiting to explode all over anyone foolish enough to challenge us with a severely 
contradictory vision. After all, we’ve got way too much effort invested in this world view 
to allow it to be quickly changed by anyone. The result: Whether we like it or not, we 
sometimes stumble into one of those intense and unwinnable verbal battles we all find so 

Think about it: How can we ever know enough about the experiences and struggles-for- 
truth that lay beneath another person’s world view to enable us to adequately judge its 
validity? Can we really presume to be able to stand back and critique a world view 
that is built on a foundation of countless unique, idiosyncratic pains and joys that 
we ourselves have never experienced? Certainly not! That’s why if we try making 
such judgments, we soon learn that the emotional energy behind our listener’s world view 
generates a vigorous argument that ultimately leads nowhere... aside from an exchange 
of philosophical generalities supported by carefully-chosen (and highly idiosyncratic and 
personal) anecdotes. 

The bottom line: It’s a waste of time (and toxic to your relationships) to indulge in 
arguments over religious or political philosophies. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 
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So Don’t Argue: Be an Anthropologist... And Try to See Into the Cloud 

In matters of political or religious opinion, as Star Trek’s Borg might say: “Resistance is 
futile!” One well-intentioned passionate assertion bangs against another well- 
intentioned passionate assertion. Or one negative rant is met by an opposing 
negative rant. Either way, smacking together all these visions and theories and end-point 
conclusions and derived meanings is simply futile. When you are confronted with a broad 
philosophical conclusion without “seeing the work” of the person who solved the puzzle 
beneath it, it simply hangs in the air between you — where it is met by your own 
alternative broad philosophical conclusion. The result: At best, you’ ll be talking past each 
other. At worst, you become disrespected for the “stupidity” of your “ridiculous” position 
or make an enemy of your fellow debater. 

Instead of getting ensnarled in one of these pointless interchanges, I recommend 
that you try to see into the cloud. That is, try to actively imagine the cloud of 
experiences that your fellow debater has experienced. Try to discern exactly his or her 
unique pains and joys. When you hear a political or religious or political assertion that 
starts to make you crazy, try saying something like this: 

“Wow! That’s interesting! How’d you come to that conclusion? Tell me more 
about what led you to this perspective.” 

Then, when your fellow philosopher begins to answer this question, listen. Really listen. 
Listen with your heart. Try to see the links between her personal experiences and 
her formal philosophy. 

Become an amateur anthropologist, seeking to learn exactly what dwells inside that 
unique cloud of experience that has formed this person’s world view. Listen to the 
position, accept it (not necessarily agree, simply accept it) as it stands. Ask where it came 
from, then listen, learn, ask for elaboration, probe, relate, empathize, and try your hardest 
to understand with both your head and your heart. 

As Stephen Covey says, “Seek first to understand than to be understood... The deepest 
hunger of the human heart is to be understood, for understanding implicitly affirms, 
validates, recognizes and appreciates the intrinsic worth of another." 

So instead of engaging in a political or religious battle, give someone the opportunity 
to be understood. Who knows? You may broaden your own perspective. And, better 
yet, maybe someday she’ ll return the favor. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 
Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 
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Reflect on these questions: 

Which of your project team member or project stakeholders seem to have political 
or religious perspectives that “make you crazy?” 

What, specifically, could you do to learn more about this person’s evolution and 
how these perspectives were shaped? 

Despite your disagreements, what political or religious values might you have in 
common with this person? 

Team Challenges 

Ask your team (cautiously, tactfully, and only if it’s OK in your organization’s culture): 

Are there subtle ways that clashes in political or religious perspectives are getting 
in the way of our work? 

Could we try to be more sensitive to the unique personal history of our fellow 
team members or stakeholders in order to develop greater respect for their 
“different” world view? 

Project Manager Challenges 

(Again, consider using each of the suggestions below cautiously, tactfully, and only if it’s 
OK in your organization’s culture.) 

If you observe serious clashes in political or religious perspectives between team 
members, encourage those who are clashing to “take a break,” step back from 
their arguments, and share a little about their history and evolution. (Encourage 
each to listen, not judge, and learn about the other’s life-shaping events and how 
these create a framework for their world-view.) 

Share this blog post, including the graphics, with those who are having 
philosophical clashes. Ask them to compare “clouds,” share life-shaping 
experiences, and try to deeply understand (but not necessarily agree with) each 
other’s world views. 

Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics & Religion (Copyright © 2010, 2014, Michael Greer) 

Published on Greer’s WORTH SHARING Website: 

OK to reproduce for not-for-profit purposes: email or visit 

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